Mintos launches app in French!

We recently announced that our website is now available in French. Today, we’re expanding our app’s functionality and version V 1.27.0 will also be launched in French. 

This is a significant milestone for us, as we continue to expand our language support and make investing on our platform as straightforward and accessible as possible for our investors around Europe.

Broadening our language support

The French-language app will enable our French-speaking investors to access our platform’s features in their native language, making it easier for them to navigate and understand our offerings. 

We now support eight languages on our app, including English, German, Spanish, Latvian, Russian, Polish, Czech, and Dutch, in addition to French. With this expansion, we hope to bring more investors access to a variety of options, allowing them to diversify their portfolios and potentially earn higher returns.

Providing the best customer service

We are actively hiring and building our team of Investor Support Associates to offer support in French. In coming months, all additional publications will also be rolled out in French – stay tuned for more!

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