10 Investment strategies for new investors

Investing is a crucial part of building wealth and achieving financial goals. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced investor, understanding different investment strategies can help you make informed decisions. This comprehensive guide covers various strategies, their benefits, and how you can implement them in your portfolio.

1. Long-term investment strategies

Long-term investment strategies involve holding assets for several years or even decades to benefit from their growth potential. This approach allows investors to take advantage of the overall growth of their investments, realizing gains when they eventually sell the assets.


  • Potential for significant growth: By holding investments over a long period, investors can benefit from the overall upward trend of the market. Historical data shows that despite short-term volatility, markets tend to rise over the long term.
  • Lower transaction costs: Since long-term investing involves fewer trades, investors incur lower transaction costs compared to frequent trading.
  • Reduced impact of short-term market fluctuations: Long-term investors are less concerned with short-term market volatility, allowing them to avoid the emotional pitfalls of frequent trading.

How to implement:

  • Invest in stable, growth-oriented companies: Look for companies with strong fundamentals, consistent earnings growth, and a sustainable competitive advantage. Examples include established companies in sectors like technology, healthcare, and consumer goods.
  • Diversify across various sectors: Spreading investments across different industries reduces the risk associated with sector-specific downturns. This can be achieved by investing in a mix of sectors such as technology, healthcare, finance, and consumer goods.
  • Utilize tax-efficient accounts: Tax-advantaged accounts can help your investments grow tax-free or tax-deferred. Check the specific options available in your country.


Investing in blue-chip stocks, which are shares of large, well-established, and financially sound companies, is a common long-term strategy. These companies often have a track record of reliability and steady growth. For instance, investing in a company like Siemens or Nestlé can provide steady growth and dividends over the long term.

Related reading: Long-term investments

2. Short-term investment strategies

Short-term investment strategies involve buying and selling assets within a short period, typically less than a year, to capitalize on market movements. These strategies require more frequent monitoring and trading to take advantage of short-term price fluctuations.


  • Quick returns: Short-term strategies can generate profits quickly, which can be appealing for investors looking for immediate gains.
  • Flexibility: Investors can adapt their portfolios quickly to changing market conditions, making it easier to capitalize on short-term opportunities.

How to implement:

  • Focus on assets with high liquidity: Invest in assets that can be easily bought and sold, such as stocks, ETFs, high-yield savings accounts, and money market funds. High liquidity ensures that you can enter and exit positions quickly without significantly impacting the asset’s price.
  • Stay informed about market trends and news: Monitor financial news, market analysis, and economic indicators to make informed trading decisions. Being aware of market sentiment and events can help you anticipate price movements.
  • Use technical analysis: Employ technical analysis tools and charts to identify entry and exit points. Technical indicators like moving averages, relative strength index (RSI), and Bollinger Bands can help you spot trading opportunities.


Day trading, where investors buy and sell stocks within the same trading day to take advantage of small price fluctuations, is a popular short-term strategy. For instance, a trader might buy shares of a company at the opening of the market and sell them a few hours later if the price increases.

3. Income investment strategies

Income strategies aim to generate a steady income through dividends, interest, or rental income. These strategies are particularly attractive for retirees or investors seeking a reliable cash flow.


  • Regular cash flow: Income investments provide a consistent stream of income, which can be useful for covering living expenses or reinvesting for growth.
  • Potential for stable returns: Income-generating assets, such as bonds and dividend-paying stocks, tend to be less volatile than growth-oriented investments, offering more stability.

How to implement:

  • Invest in dividend-paying stocks: Look for companies with a history of paying reliable and increasing dividends. Dividend Aristocrats, which are companies that have increased their dividends for at least 25 consecutive years, are often good choices.
  • Consider bonds: Bonds, especially government and high-quality corporate bonds, provide regular interest payments and are generally less risky than stocks. Bond funds and ETFs can also offer diversification.
  • Explore real estate investments: Rental properties can generate a steady income through rental payments. Additionally, Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) allow investors to invest in real estate without the need to manage physical properties. On Mintos, you can also explore passive real estate investments, providing a seamless way to gain exposure to the real estate market.
  • Invest in loans: Investing in loans can be a viable option to generate passive income. Mintos offers opportunities to invest in loans issued by lending companies around the world, allowing for diversification and the potential for attractive returns.


Investing in a mix of high-dividend stocks, such as utilities and consumer staples, along with a selection of government and corporate bonds, can create a diversified income portfolio. For example, holding shares in a company like Unilever, which has a strong track record of dividend payments, can provide consistent income.

Related reading: Passive income ideas

4. Growth investment strategies

Growth strategies focus on investing in companies or sectors expected to grow at an above-average rate compared to others. These investments typically involve higher risk but offer the potential for substantial returns.


  • High potential for capital appreciation: Growth investments can yield significant returns as the companies expand and increase their market value.
  • Opportunities in emerging industries: Investing in innovative sectors or technologies can provide exposure to the next wave of market leaders.

How to implement:

  • Research companies with strong growth prospects: Look for companies with high revenue growth, expanding market share, and innovative products or services. Analyzing financial statements and future growth projections can help identify these companies.
  • Focus on sectors like technology, healthcare, and renewable energy: These sectors often exhibit strong growth potential due to ongoing innovation and increasing demand.
  • Monitor growth trends and adjust your portfolio accordingly: Stay updated with industry news and trends to ensure your investments align with the current growth landscape. Regularly review and rebalance your portfolio to maintain optimal growth exposure.


Investing in tech startups that are innovating and have the potential to become market leaders can offer significant growth opportunities. For instance, early investments in companies like Tesla or Amazon have provided substantial returns as these companies grew and dominated their respective markets.

Related reading: Best investment strategies

5. Value investment strategies

Value investing involves buying undervalued stocks that have the potential to increase in value over time. This strategy is based on the belief that the market sometimes misprices stocks, providing opportunities to buy quality companies at a discount.


  • Potential for significant returns: By purchasing undervalued stocks, investors can benefit from market corrections and long-term appreciation as the true value of the company is recognized.
  • Investing in fundamentally strong companies: Value investing strategies often focuses on companies with solid financial health, stable earnings, and strong business models.

How to implement:

  • Use financial metrics to identify undervalued stocks: Look for stocks with low price-to-earnings (P/E) ratios, price-to-book (P/B) ratios, and high dividend yields. These metrics can help identify stocks that are priced below their intrinsic value.
  • Focus on companies with strong financial health: Analyze a company’s balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement to ensure it has a solid financial foundation and good prospects for future growth.
  • Be patient and willing to hold investments long-term: Value investing requires a long-term perspective, as it may take time for the market to recognize the true value of an undervalued stock.


Investing in companies that are temporarily undervalued due to market overreactions can yield substantial returns once the market corrects itself. For instance, during market downturns, fundamentally strong companies like Coca-Cola or Procter & Gamble may see their stock prices drop, presenting opportunities for value investors.

Related reading: Alternative investments

6. Diversified investment strategies

Diversification involves spreading investments across various asset classes, industries, and geographic regions to reduce risk. This strategy aims to minimize the impact of poor performance in any single investment.


  • Reduced risk through asset allocation: Diversifying your portfolio across various asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and loans, can mitigate the risk associated with individual investments. This strategy helps to spread risk and can protect your portfolio from significant losses in any one area.
  • Smoother returns over time: A well-diversified portfolio tends to experience less volatility because gains in one area can offset losses in another. This balance can lead to more consistent and stable returns, making it easier to achieve long-term financial goals.

How to implement:

  • Invest in a mix of stocks, bonds, real estate, and other assets: Combining different asset classes helps to spread risk. Stocks offer growth potential, bonds provide stability and income, and real estate can offer both income and appreciation. Diversifying across these uncorrelated assets can further reduce risk, as their performance does not move in tandem, thereby enhancing overall portfolio stability.
  • Use ETFs and mutual funds for broad market exposure: These investment vehicles allow you to invest in a diversified portfolio of assets with a single purchase. For example, an ETF might track a broad market index like the MSCI World, providing exposure to a wide range of companies.
  • Regularly review and rebalance your portfolio: Periodically assess your portfolio to ensure it remains aligned with your investment goals and risk tolerance. Rebalancing involves adjusting your asset allocation to maintain your desired level of risk.


Creating a balanced portfolio that includes equities, bonds, and real estate can help mitigate risk and provide more stable returns. For instance, during a stock market downturn, bond and real estate investments might perform better, helping to offset losses in your equity holdings.

Related reading: Low-risk investments

7. Passive vs. active investment strategies

Investors often debate the merits of passive versus active investment strategies. Each approach has its own set of advantages and is suitable for different types of investors.

Benefits of passive investing:

  • Lower costs due to fewer transactions: Passive investing typically involves buying and holding a broad market index or portfolio, resulting in lower transaction fees and management costs.
  • Reduced stress from active management: Passive investors do not need to constantly monitor the market or make frequent trading decisions, which can be time-consuming and stressful.

Benefits of active investing:

  • Potential for higher returns: Active investors aim to outperform the market by selecting stocks or other assets that they believe will perform better than average. This can lead to higher returns if successful.
  • Ability to respond quickly to market changes: Active investors can adjust their portfolios in response to market trends, economic indicators, or company-specific news, potentially capitalizing on short-term opportunities.

How to implement:

  • Choose index funds and ETFs for passive investing: These funds track a specific market index, providing broad market exposure with minimal management. For example, an MSCI World index fund offers exposure to a wide range of companies across developed markets, helping to diversify your investments globally.
  • Develop a robust trading strategy for active investing: Active investors should have a clear plan for selecting investments, managing risk, and determining when to buy and sell. This may involve using technical analysis, fundamental analysis, or a combination of both.


Passive investing might involve purchasing an ETF that tracks the MSCI World Index, giving exposure to global markets with minimal effort. On the other hand, an active investor might research and select individual stocks they believe are undervalued or have strong growth potential, regularly adjusting their portfolio based on market conditions.

Related reading: ETF investment strategy

8. Real estate investment strategies

Investing in real estate can provide rental income and potential property value appreciation. Real estate investments can be a valuable addition to a diversified portfolio, offering both income and growth opportunities.


  • Steady income from rentals: Rental properties generate regular income from tenant payments, which can provide a stable cash flow.
  • Potential for long-term appreciation: Real estate values tend to increase over time, offering the potential for capital gains when properties are sold.
  • Hedge against inflation: Real estate often appreciates at a rate that outpaces inflation, helping to preserve purchasing power.

How to implement:

  • Invest in rental properties: Purchasing residential or commercial properties and renting them out can generate a steady income stream. Focus on high-demand locations to ensure consistent occupancy and rental income.
  • Consider Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs): REITs allow investors to invest in real estate without owning physical properties. REITs pay out most of their income as dividends, providing a reliable income stream. Similarly, Mintos allows you to invest passively in real estate, giving you a diversified portfolio and regular income without the need for active management.
  • Evaluate property management: If investing in physical properties, consider whether you will manage them yourself or hire a property management company. Proper management is crucial for maintaining property value and ensuring tenant satisfaction.


Purchasing rental properties in a growing urban area can provide steady rental income and potential property value appreciation. Alternatively, investing in a diversified REIT that holds a variety of properties across different sectors, such as residential, commercial, and industrial, can offer similar benefits without the need for hands-on management.

Related reading: What is passive real estate investing?

9. Stock market investment strategies

Investing in the stock market involves buying shares of companies to benefit from their growth and profitability. Stock market investments can be tailored to various risk tolerances and investment goals.


  • High potential for returns: Stocks historically offer higher returns compared to other asset classes, making them attractive for growth-oriented investors.
  • Diversification opportunities across sectors: Investing in a mix of stocks from different industries can help spread risk and capture growth from various economic sectors.
  • Liquidity: Stocks are generally easy to buy and sell, providing flexibility.

How to implement:

  • Research and invest in companies with strong fundamentals: Look for companies with solid financial health, competitive advantages, and growth potential. Analyzing financial statements and understanding industry trends can help identify good investment opportunities.
  • Use a mix of individual stocks and index funds: Combining individual stock picks with broad market index funds can provide a balanced approach, capturing both targeted and general market growth. Consider Core ETFs for a solid foundation in your portfolio.
  • Stay updated with market trends and news: Regularly monitor financial news, earnings reports, and economic indicators to make informed investment decisions.


Building a portfolio of blue-chip stocks, high-growth tech companies, and index funds can capture broad market gains. For instance, investing in a mix of individual stocks and an MSCI World index fund can provide both stability and growth potential without overexposing your portfolio to any single company.

Related reading: How stocks work

10. Retirement investment strategies

Retirement strategies focus on growing your savings to ensure financial security in retirement. These strategies aim to balance growth and risk, providing a reliable income stream during retirement years.


  • Long-term growth potential: Retirement accounts can grow significantly over time, thanks to compounding returns. With a long time horizon, you can ride out market fluctuations and benefit from overall market growth.
  • Tax advantages through retirement accounts: Contributions to retirement accounts, such as pension plans, can offer tax benefits like tax-free growth or tax-deductible contributions. Additionally, regular contributions allow for dollar-cost averaging, reducing the impact of market volatility on your investments.

How to implement:

  • Contribute regularly to retirement accounts: Consistent contributions to retirement accounts help build a substantial nest egg over time. Take advantage of employer-matching contributions if available.
  • Diversify your investments to balance risk and reward: Include a mix of stocks, bonds, and other assets in your retirement portfolio to manage risk and capture growth.
  • Adjust your strategy as you approach retirement age: Gradually shift towards more conservative investments as you near retirement to protect your savings from market volatility. This can involve increasing your allocation to bonds and other low-risk assets.


Using a target-date fund that automatically adjusts the asset allocation as you approach retirement can simplify retirement investing. These funds gradually become more conservative, reducing exposure to riskier assets and increasing allocation to bonds and cash equivalents.

Related reading: Setting financial goals

It's never too late to start investing

Investing can be a rewarding endeavor if approached with knowledge and caution. By understanding and implementing various investment strategies in 2024, you can build a diversified portfolio that aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance. Whether you prefer long-term growth, short-term gains, or steady income, there is an investment strategy suited to your needs.

By incorporating these strategies into your investment plan, you’ll be better equipped to make informed decisions and achieve your financial goals.


This is a marketing communication and in no way should be viewed as investment research, advice, or recommendation to invest. The value of your investment can go up as well as down. Past performance of financial instruments does not guarantee future returns. Investing in financial instruments involves risk; before investing, consider your knowledge, experience, financial situation, and investment objectives.

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