Money market funds: A comprehensive guide for investors

When building a diversified portfolio, investors seek low-risk investments that provide both liquidity and stability. Money market funds are designed to fulfill this role by offering a safe place to park cash while still earning a decent return. 

But what are money market funds, exactly?

What are money market funds?

A money market fund is a type of mutual fund that invests in highly liquid, short-term securities, such as government bonds, certificates of deposit, and commercial paper. The primary goal of these funds is to provide investors with a liquid, low-risk investment option while offering modest money market fund returns.

Compared to other investment options, money market funds vs. bonds or savings accounts, money market funds offer a higher degree of flexibility. They allow investors to park their money temporarily without losing access to it, while still earning some returns. In this guide, we’ll explore how money market funds work, their benefits and risks, and how they can fit into a well-rounded investment strategy.

How do money market funds work?

When investing in money market funds, investors’ money is pooled together, and the fund manager uses these assets to invest in short-term securities. The focus is on maintaining liquidity and preserving capital. 

Money market funds invest in highly liquid securities with short maturities, making it easy for investors to withdraw their money quickly without significant value fluctuation. This is why the liquidity of money market funds is one of their biggest advantages.

While money market fund returns are typically lower than riskier investments like stocks, they are higher than savings accounts. This makes them an appealing option for those looking to park their money temporarily in a low-risk investment.

In Europe, there are four main categories of money market funds:

1. Public Debt Constant Net Asset Value (PDCNAV) – These short-term funds must invest 99.5% of assets in government securities. Units are bought and sold at a constant price, rounded to the nearest percentage point.

2. Low Volatility Net Asset Value (LVNAV) – Smart Cash on Mintos invests in a money market fund in this category. These funds primarily invest in money market instruments, deposits, and other short-term assets.

3. Short-Term Variable Net Asset Value (VNAV) – These funds invest in similar short-term assets but are subject to looser liquidity rules. Units are priced variably, calculated to at least four significant figures.

4. Standard Variable Net Asset Value (VNAV) – These funds can invest in longer-term assets and have even looser liquidity requirements. As with Short-Term VNAVs, units are traded at a variable price, calculated to four significant figures.

For those looking for low-risk investments with money market funds, these funds offer safety and stability with relatively easy access to your cash.

5 benefits of money market funds

Money market funds offer several advantages that make them a popular choice for both conservative and short-term investors. One of the primary benefits of money market funds is their focus on capital preservation while offering steady, albeit modest, returns. Here are a few key benefits:

1. Low-risk investment

For investors seeking low-risk investments with money market funds, these funds provide a secure way to grow capital without exposing it to market and credit risk. They are considered one of the safest investment vehicles, particularly because they invest in high-quality, short-term debt securities.

2. Liquidity

The liquidity of money market funds is one of their biggest selling points. Unlike other investment options, such as bonds or real estate, money market funds allow you to access your cash quickly. This makes them ideal for managing cash flow, emergency funds, or short-term financial goals.

3. Stability

One of the distinguishing features of money market funds is their ability to maintain a stable NAV. This stability is particularly appealing to investors who prioritize preserving their principal.

4. Higher returns than savings accounts

 While money market fund returns are typically lower than those of stocks or long-term bonds, they often exceed the interest rates offered by savings accounts. This makes them an attractive option for those looking to park their money while earning better returns than a traditional bank account.

5. Diversification

Investing in money market funds can be a valuable tool for diversifying your portfolio. By adding these funds to your investment strategy, you balance riskier assets like stocks with a stable, low-risk option.

In addition, money market funds can help diversify cash holdings that might otherwise sit in bank accounts, where deposit insurance typically covers only up to €100 000. For investors holding larger amounts, money market funds offer an opportunity to spread risk beyond the limits of traditional bank protection.

Whether you’re planning for short-term financial goals, managing cash flow, or even considering money market funds for retirement, the benefits of money market funds provide flexibility and security for a wide range of investors.

Risks of money market funds

While money market funds are generally considered safe, they are not without risk. Understanding the money market fund risks can help you make informed decisions when adding them to your portfolio.

1. Inflation risk

While money market funds are designed to preserve capital, the modest returns they offer may not keep pace with inflation. Over time, the purchasing power of your money could erode, especially during periods of high inflation. This makes money market mutual funds less appealing for long-term growth.

2. Credit Risk

Although money market funds invest in high-quality, short-term securities, there is still a slight chance of default by the entities in which the fund invests. While the risk of losing money in money market funds is minimal, they are not entirely risk-free.

3. Liquidity risk in extreme market conditions

Under normal circumstances, the liquidity of money market funds is a major benefit, allowing easy access to your money. However, during extreme market conditions, such as financial crises, the liquidity of these funds could be limited if many investors try to withdraw their money at the same time.

Understanding these money market fund risks ensures that investors are fully aware of the potential downsides while making decisions that align with their investment goals. Though the risks are low, they are still important to consider, especially when comparing money market funds vs. savings accounts or other low-risk investment options like bonds. 

4. Interest rate risk

While money market funds generally offer lower returns compared to other asset classes, they can react relatively quickly to changes in interest rates due to the short-term nature of their assets. However, in a rising interest rate environment, other investments may still become more attractive, and when rates fall, money market fund returns can decrease, impacting investor earnings.

Money market funds for retirement

Money market funds can play a valuable role in retirement planning due to their stability, liquidity, and low-risk profile. While these funds won’t deliver the high returns of stock or long-term bonds, they provide a secure place to park cash and manage short-term needs. Here’s how money market funds for retirement can be useful:

1. Capital preservation

For retirees who prioritize capital preservation, investing in money market funds can help protect savings from market volatility. As retirees shift from growth to income preservation, these funds ensure that the money required for day-to-day expenses remains stable and readily available.

2. Managing liquidity

The liquidity of money market funds is a key advantage for retirees. Since these funds allow for easy access to cash, they are ideal for meeting immediate expenses or handling unexpected financial needs without having to sell long-term investments, such as stocks or bonds, at an unfavorable time.

3. Short-term investment strategy

For those nearing retirement, money market funds can serve as a safe harbor during periods of market instability. Many investors move a portion of their portfolio into low-risk investments with money market funds as they approach retirement to reduce exposure to stock market fluctuations.

4. Supplementing income

While money market fund returns are modest, they can still supplement other retirement income sources, like pensions or Social Security. For those looking for a combination of safety and easy access to funds, money market mutual funds provide a reliable option.

For retirees or those close to retirement, the ability to manage cash flow, avoid unnecessary risks, and maintain access to funds makes money market funds a practical component of a well-rounded retirement strategy.

How Mintos smart cash fits into your investment strategy

For investors seeking low-risk investments with high liquidity, Mintos Smart Cash offers a flexible solution. You can earn up to 3.5% interest on your cash while maintaining instant access to your funds, making it a great alternative to traditional savings accounts or cash investments. This is particularly useful for those who want to hold cash for short-term goals or who are considering short-term investments as part of a broader portfolio.

Mintos Smart Cash is a smart choice for anyone focused on capital preservation and steady income. Whether you’re building an emergency fund, looking for passive income ideas, or working toward setting financial goals, the flexibility to withdraw funds without fees provides peace of mind. In comparison to bonds or fixed-term deposits, Smart Cash offers both security and liquidity, helping you to stay nimble in uncertain markets.

For those considering other investment options, like ETFs or automated investing, Smart Cash can complement more aggressive strategies by providing a stable, low-risk base. It also works well for investors who prefer alternative investments or who are exploring micro-investing platforms to build wealth steadily. Mintos Smart Cash adds value by keeping your cash working even when you need liquidity on demand.

If you’re exploring the best ways to diversify your portfolio, check out our other articles on risk diversification, long-term investments, or portfolio diversification for additional insights. Combining Mintos Smart Cash with broader strategies like value investing or real estate investing can help you balance risk and growth effectively.


This is a marketing communication and in no way should be viewed as investment research, investment advice, or recommendation to invest. The value of your investment can go up as well as down. Past performance of financial instruments does not guarantee future returns. Investing in financial instruments involves risk; before investing, consider your knowledge, experience, financial situation, and investment objectives

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