Safeguarding of investors’ assets on Mintos following MiFID II

A significant benefit of investing in a regulated environment on Mintos is the safeguarding of investors’ assets subject to the requirements of MiFID II. The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) is a regulatory framework that aims to increase investor protection and reduce systemic risk by setting common standards and rules for investment firms […]

How Notes are created on Mintos

Are you interested in how Notes are created on Mintos? This article should help you understand the process! If you’re just getting familiar with Notes, we recommend learning about what Notes are first, then coming back to this article. Key takeaways: Notes are regulated financial instruments backed by loans  Before Notes can be issued for […]

Press release: Mintos takes investing in loans to a regulated environment

On 25 May 2022, Mintos launched the new asset-backed securities, Notes, which allow investors to invest in a regulated environment. Here’s an excerpt from the company’s press release: “Mintos, Europe’s largest platform for investing in loans, is launching a new flagship product – asset-backed securities called Notes. Notes come with increased investor protection and transparency. […]

Mintos investors Q&A: Let’s talk about Notes

To cover the topics of interest for investors when it comes to Notes, we collected questions via the Slido form over the last two weeks, and now we’re sharing answers with this special article “Mintos investors Q&A: Let’s talk about Notes”. We took the questions with the most upvotes, and in the following text, we’re […]

Notes are now live on Mintos!

We’re excited to announce that the first Notes are now available on Mintos! Here’s what you need to know about the arrival of the new financial instruments on Mintos. Key takeaways: Investors can now invest in Notes on Mintos Currently, there are Notes available for 3 lending companies: CashCredit (Cash Credit Mobile EAD), Eleving LV […]

First Mintos Prospectuses approved and published on FKTK

We’re glad to share that we’re now a few steps closer to the launch of the financial instruments Notes on Mintos. The first prospectuses for the Mintos-related special purpose vehicles have been approved, and are now published on the Latvian regulator’s platform. As shared before, Notes are financial instruments issued by a special purpose entity […]