
Last Updated: 30.09.2020. Date when the basic information was updated
Loans Originated Total volume of loans issued by this company to borrowers since its founding.
Loan portfolio Loans issued by the lending company to borrowers at the time of the most recent financial statement that are current or less than 60 days late.
€ 171 M
Buyback obligation A credit enhancement given by the lending company or other entity to the Issuer for a particular Set of Notes. If an underlying loan is more than 60 days late, the lending company is obligated to buy back the investment at nominal value plus accrued, outstanding or late interest. Usually, this means investors will be able to recover their investment in case of a borrower default.
With a buyback obligation
Skin in the Game To ensure the interests of a lending company and investors are aligned, the company is required to keep a stake of each investment opportunity it offers through Mintos. This is called the company's skin in the game.
Average Interest % The weighted average interest rate of investment opportunities from this lending company.
135 (group)
Joined Mintos:
August 2016
Loan Types: The type of linked assets the lending company has issued.
Personal loan Personal loan
Short-term loan Short-term loan
Countries: Countries in which the linked assets were issued by the lending or rental company.
Currencies: Currencies in which investment opportunities from the company are offered.
Outstanding investments: Total volume of outstanding and available investments from this company on Mintos. Updated daily.
23 302 221
Schedule extension: During the first 30 days after the due date of a loan payment, the borrower can opt for extending the loan payment schedule. The maximum number of extensions depends on the loan agreement and can't be more than 6. If the lending company agrees, the loan will be automatically updated, with the new schedule, and the due dates for all outstanding payments will be extended by up to 31 days. Investors will continue to earn the same interest throughout the remaining loan term.
Up to 6


Creditstar, a provider of consumer financial services, was established in 2006 in Tallinn, Estonia. Today it operates in Estonia and in seven other countries across Europe, including Finland, Sweden, Poland, UK, Czech Republic, Spain and Denmark. The Group has offices in Tallinn, Warsaw, London and Vilnius.

The Company offers unsecured online and mobile consumer loans. Lending activity is supported by an industry-leading infrastructure that meets strict regulations and provides an exceptional user experience. Creditstar Group acts according to Responsible Lending policy and thoroughly checks the background of all loan applicants.

The Company is run by a diverse entrepreneurial team from 20+ nationalities of different ages and backgrounds. Creditstar is one of the most experienced issuers in the Baltic bond market with more than 20 successful issues since being established. Company’s revenue and customer growth has been fueled by entry to new geographical markets, expanding customer base and product development.CREDITSTAR INTERNATIONAL OÜ provides a group guarantee to ensure the obligations of the buyback guarantee of individual countries are fulfilled.

Last Updated: 09.07.2024

Last Updated: 16.08.2023