Loan Details

Country South Africa
Loan Type Personal loan
Mintos Risk Score
Score withdrawn

One or more subscores is temporarily unavailable, or the lending company has "Defaulted" or "Suspended" status on Mintos, or the company is not active on the marketplace for a longer period of time.

Loan Amount 1 120.00
Remaining Principal 0.00
Original Loan Currency The loan was issued in a different currency. This means the lending company is assuming a currency exchange risk when it forwards borrower repayments to the investor. If the currency of the loan devalues significantly against the currency of the loan on the platform, the lending company's ability to transfer amounts due to the investor might be impacted.
Effective APR charged to borrowers APR is not always the most representative measure of the cost of borrowing, therefore, Mintos shows effective APR. This is a unified measure among all loan originators on the platform. To calculate the effective APR, the methodology called XIRR (extended internal rate of return) is used, which is further adjusted to exclude compounding effects. Effective APR is calculated based on the cash flows charged to the borrower which includes principal, interest and any fees charged on a single loan basis, whether they are compulsory or not or are charged by a third party.
Interest Rate
Initial LTV -
LTV LTV is calculated using current outstanding loan balance against collateral value as of a moment when the loan was issued.
Amortization Method Full
Date of Issue 08.12.2021
Closing Date 31.12.2023

This loan comes with a buyback obligation. The loan will be bought back from investors if it becomes 60 or more days delinquent.

Investment Breakdown

Lending Company The legal entity that offers investors the opportunity to invest in its loans that it has issued.
Group The lending company or group
Group Guarantee Group company (or other related company) of the loan originator is providing a corporate guarantee securing the loan buyback obligation undertaken by the loan originator.

Borrower Details

Country South Africa