property picture

Single family home

Single Family home renovated in 2018. It is located in Oberdorf, 60 km from downtown Graz, Austria's second largest city.

Market value
437 000
Total fees & taxes Total fees and taxes associated with the purchase of the property.
18 040
Expected annual capital appreciation Potential annual increase in the value of the property based on historical values from sources selected by Mintos. If the property value (capital) appreciates, investors holding the investment may benefit when the property is sold. Capital appreciation is not guaranteed.
Expected monthly gross revenue


Expected interest Your interest income is based on the cash flows from net rent payments, which might fluctuate based on occupancy and market rates. Payments are collected by a legal entity which owns part of the property. Full details on the setup can be found in the prospectus and final terms.
Interest payment
Underlying real estate
Single family home
Commitment date Date when reserved funds will be locked. Until the commitment date, you can still cancel your order.
Execution date Your order is scheduled to be executed on this date. Once it has been executed and the property acquisition process is finalized, then the interest will start to accrue.
Maturity date Expected principal repayment date
Liquidity Real estate can be sold on the Mintos Secondary Market, providing the flexibility to sell investments when desired.
Sell on Secondary Market
Initial principal
188 040
SIA Mintos Finance No.52
Property entity
Bambus M Einfamilienhaus GmbH (Austria) Bambus M Einfamilienhaus GmbH (Austria)
This offer has ended.