


Underlying loan type

Car loan

Mintos Risk Score

Loan portfolio performance
Loan servicer efficiency
Buyback strength
Cooperation structure

Initial principal

55 202.23

Remaining principal


Original Set of Notes currency

The underlying loans were issued in a different currency. This means the lending company is assuming a currency exchange risk when it forwards borrowers repayments to the investor. If the currency of the underlying loans devalues against the currency of the underlying loans in the platform and the lending company has not properly hedged this risk, the company might experience losses, which might impact its ability to pay amounts due to the investor.


Listing date


Expected maturity date

The expected maturity date of the Set of Notes is initially set to the maturity date of the longest underlying loan plus 10 days. If the schedule of an underlying loan is extended, the expected maturity date is extended by 180 days.


Initial maturity date

The initial maturity date of the Set of Notes is the date on which the longest underlying loan is initially scheduled to be fully repaid, plus 10 days.


Interest rate


Amortization method

The amortization method determines how the underlying loans are paid off over time.



The investment opportunities on Mintos are based on loans that have been issued to borrowers by lending companies from around the world. To help fund the loans, the lending company makes them available to the issuer, which will create the Notes that investors can invest in on Mintos. There are 2 ways how Notes can be created based on these loans:

In the direct structure, the issuer acquires the title in loan receivables from the lending company that extended these loans to the borrowers.

In the indirect structure, the loans underlying the Set of Notes are issued to the lending company by a special purpose entity within Mintos group. These loans are collateralized with loans the lending company issued to its borrowers. The indirect structure is applied when there are reasons why the issuer can't acquire the loans against the borrowers.


Pending payments

If one or more of the underlying loans is more than 10 days pending, the Set of Notes is considered pending.


Interest on pending payments

Investors receive increased interest on payments that have been pending for more than 10 days.


Interest on late payments


Late loan exposure

The ratio of underlying loans that are late, calculated on the remaining principal.


Investment breakdown

Legal entity

Mogo IFN S.A.

Lending company

Eleving Group

Note issuer

SIA Mintos Finance No.1

Group guarantee

Eleving Group

Final terms

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Notes legal documents

Notes legal documents