Pinjam Yuk (old)
Ultimo aggiornamento:
Prestiti emessi
€ 196.1 M
Portafoglio prestiti
€ 2.3 M
Obbligo di riacquisto
Skin in the Game
% interesse medio
Sito web:
Anno di fondazione:
Partnership con Mintos:
February 2020
Annual percentage rate charged to borrowers:
Investimenti in corso:
€ 0
Estensione del prestito:
Fino a 6
Chi siamo
Pinjam Yuk is a part of a group company “Surfin”, headquartered in Singapore, which has crossed EUR 27 billion in total transaction volume and grown the team to over 1000 employees.
The company has its own mobile app and is one of the most recognized lending company brands in Indonesia.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 07.04.2020
Ultimo aggiornamento: 25.02.2020
Ultimo aggiornamento: 10.04.2020