
Last Updated: 27.05.2022. Date when the basic information was updated
Empréstimos originados Volume total de empréstimos concedidos por esta empresa a mutuários desde a sua fundação.
€ 371 M
Loan portfolio Empréstimos emitidos pela sociedade mutuante a mutuários à data do balanço financeiro mais recente, que estão em curso ou com menos de 60 dias de atraso.
€ 41.8 M
Obrigação de recompra A credit enhancement given by the lending company or other entity to the Issuer for a particular Set of Notes. If an underlying loan is more than 60 days late, the lending company is obligated to buy back the investment at nominal value plus accrued, outstanding or late interest. Usually, this means investors will be able to recover their investment in case of a borrower default.
With a buyback obligation
Skin in the Game Para garantir que os interesses de uma empresa de crédito e dos investidores estejam alinhados, a empresa é obrigada a manter uma participação em cada oportunidade de investimento que oferece através da Mintos. Isso é chamado de "skin in the game" (pele em jogo) da empresa.
Juros médios (%) A taxa de juro média ponderada das oportunidades de investimento desta sociedade de crédito.
Joined Mintos:
February 2016
Loan Types: O tipo de ativos associados que a empresa de crédito emitiu.
Crédito pessoal Crédito pessoal
Crédito de penhores Crédito de penhores
Countries: Os países quem que os ativos associados foram emitidos pela empresa de crédito ou de aluguer.
Moedas: Moedas em que são oferecidas as oportunidades de investimento da empresa.
Annual percentage rate charged to borrowers:
Investimentos pendentes: Volume total de créditos em dívida e disponíveis desta empresa no Mintos. Atualizado diariamente.
25 740 595
Schedule extension: During the first 30 days after the due date of a loan payment, the borrower can opt for extending the loan payment schedule. The maximum number of extensions depends on the loan agreement and can't be more than 6. If the lending company agrees, the loan will be automatically updated, with the new schedule, and the due dates for all outstanding payments will be extended by up to 31 days. Investors will continue to earn the same interest throughout the remaining loan term.
Up to 6


DelfinGroup is a licensed fintech company established in 2009 and operates under the brand names Banknote and VIZIA. The company has been profitable every year since 2010. DelfinGroup continuously develops and offers consumer and pawn loans, loans developed for senior citizens, buy now pay later loans (BNPL loans), and the sale of pre-owned goods online and at more than 90 branches across Latvia and Lithuania. Since 2014, DelfinGroup has been known on the Nasdaq Riga Stock Exchange as a bond issuer and, since 2021, as a listed company on the Baltic Main List. The company regularly pays dividends to its shareholders. The sustainability of DelfinGroup is based on focused corporate governance, fintech innovation, responsible lending, financial inclusion, and facilitating the circular economy.

Starting from 06.05.2021 there have been changes in the ownership structure and some equity investors overlap with Mintos.

Last Updated: 25.06.2024

Last Updated: 08.12.2023