EBV Finance

Last Updated: 21.06.2019. Date when the basic information was updated
EBV Finance
Empréstimos originados Volume total de empréstimos concedidos por esta empresa a mutuários desde a sua fundação.
€ 144 M
Loan portfolio Empréstimos emitidos pela sociedade mutuante a mutuários à data do balanço financeiro mais recente, que estão em curso ou com menos de 60 dias de atraso.
€ 35.3 M
Obrigação de recompra A credit enhancement given by the lending company or other entity to the Issuer for a particular Set of Notes. If an underlying loan is more than 60 days late, the lending company is obligated to buy back the investment at nominal value plus accrued, outstanding or late interest. Usually, this means investors will be able to recover their investment in case of a borrower default.
Skin in the Game Para garantir que os interesses de uma empresa de crédito e dos investidores estejam alinhados, a empresa é obrigada a manter uma participação em cada oportunidade de investimento que oferece através da Mintos. Isso é chamado de "skin in the game" (pele em jogo) da empresa.
Juros médios (%) A taxa de juro média ponderada das oportunidades de investimento desta sociedade de crédito.
Effective APR charged to borrowers: APR is not always the most representative measure of the cost of borrowing, therefore, Mintos shows effective APR. This is a unified measure among all loan originators on the platform. To calculate the effective APR, the methodology called XIRR (extended internal rate of return) is used, which is further adjusted to exclude compounding effects. Effective APR is calculated based on the cash flows charged to the borrower which includes principal, interest and any fees charged on a single loan basis, whether they are compulsory or not or are charged by a third party.
Investimentos pendentes: Volume total de créditos em dívida e disponíveis desta empresa no Mintos. Atualizado diariamente.


Founded in 2009, EBV Finance is an international company lead by a team of professional specialists, offering its customers very fast VAT and excise duty refund services from EU countries as well as Switzerland, Norway and Liechtenstein.  EBV Finance has the largest VAT refund portfolio in the Baltic states. Recovered VAT per year is more than EUR 80 million and this number is growing at a rapid pace. Since its establishment, EBV Finance has acquired more than 1 200 clients including DSV, DHL, Hellmann Worldwide Logistics and many other large international transport groups, as well as some main European fuel suppliers. EBV Finance operates in nine countries in Europe and plans to enter new< markets in the near future.