Proteger a sua conta
Your security is our top priority. Unfortunately, cybercrime is a very real threat, and financial accounts can be attractive targets for criminals. But there are also a few simple things you can do to protect your account.
01. Use a strong password
Your password is the first line of defense against unauthorized access to your account. A stronger password goes a long way towards protecting your account.
Mudar palavra-passe

Choose a password that you only use for Mintos. If one of your other accounts gets hacked, your Mintos account is still protected.
Use a password that is a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols.
Use a password that is at least 9 characters long. The longer the password, the harder it generally is to crack.
Don’t use a common word as a password. Criminals love attacking accounts with whole dictionaries to get access.
Don’t write down your password, and don’t share it with others. Mintos employees will never ask you for your password.
02. Use additional authentication
You can add an extra layer of security by using two-factor authentication. This means every time you log in, you will use your phone to approve account access. So even if criminals crack your password, they still won’t be able to access your account without your phone.
Ativar autenticação de dois fatores
03. Protect your email account
Your email can be used to reset your Mintos password. If criminals get access to your email, they can use it to hack your Mintos account. You can apply the same password tips or use additional authentication, if offered.

04. Protect your devices
Keep your devices and the software on them updated – especially your operating system, browser, and antivirus. And only download software from trusted sources.

05. Don’t fall for fraudulent emails
Fraudulent emails, sometimes called phishing or spoof, are made to look like real emails from the company they are trying to imitate. Criminals use them to get access to your financial data or passwords.

How to recognize phishing
Saber mais sobre segurança na Mintos
Gestão do risco de investimento
Os riscos que enfrenta na Mintos, e o que pode fazer em relação a estes
Mintos Risk Score
O que é a notação de risco Mintos e como pode ajudá-lo a tomar decisões de investimento
A Mintos e os seus dados
Como a Mintos trata e protege os seus dados e lhe dá o controlo
Diversificação e retornos
Por que motivo uma diversificação adequada é importante para os seus retornos