
How investors are protected on Mintos

Investment firms like Mintos are subject to financial regulation. In the EU, this includes MiFID II and other applicable regulations. This regulatory framework provides additional protection for investors by making sure financial institutions follow established rules and requirements.
Latvijas Banka

We’re supervised by Latvijas Banka, the central bank of Latvia, the competent authority for investment services supervision in Latvia.

Financial regulation benefits investors

In a regulated environment such as Mintos, investors benefit from additional layers of protection and transparency.

The financial system is an integral part of our daily lives. For example, we need banks to hold our money or make payments. Likewise, we need investment firms to invest our money to gain future returns. Poorly regulated financial institutions have the potential to harm consumers and undermine the stability of the financial system. Regulation establishes rules to stop things from going wrong, and in the case that they do, consumers and the financial system are protected by these rules.

Safeguarding of investor assets

Mintos is required to hold investors’ financial instruments and uninvested funds separately from its own assets.

Mintos must keep accurate records and accounts that distinguish all financial instruments and investor funds from any assets owned by Mintos. As part of this, Mintos reconciles its internal records and accounts regularly and takes steps to ensure it has adequate controls to minimize the risk of loss for investors.

Financial instruments belonging to the investors on Mintos are held in the investors’ financial instrument accounts, separately from Mintos’ own assets.

Investors’ funds are protected by holding them in safeguarding accounts in banks licensed in the EU and qualifying money market funds. These funds are only used to execute the investors’ orders to invest or withdraw the funds, or to cover fees and charges payable to Mintos. They are held separately from Mintos' own assets, and creditors of Mintos are not entitled to recover from these funds.

You can read more about safeguarding and counterparty risk in the risk disclosure and the Terms and Conditions of Mintos.

Investor compensation scheme

The investor compensation scheme protects investors by providing compensation if Mintos fails to return financial instruments or funds to investors.

The investor compensation scheme covers situations that typically arise from operational errors, for example, if Mintos is involved in fraud or administrative malpractice. The compensation an investor can claim under the investor compensation scheme is limited to Mintos’ outstanding liabilities towards the investor, up to €20 000.

Importantly, the investor compensation scheme doesn’t protect against investment risk, such as poor performance or changes in the price or liquidity of financial instruments.

Investor compensation schemes are established according to Directive 97/9/EC and apply to all authorized investment firms and banks providing investment services in the respective EU country. Mintos is a member of the Latvian investor compensation scheme. The scheme protects retail investors on Mintos irrespective of their country of residence.¹ More about the compensation scheme

Suitable and appropriate product offering

Mintos is required to safeguard investors from taking on excessive risk by assessing their individual situation.

As part of being regulated, Mintos must ensure that investors are aware of the risks of investing on Mintos, and that their financial situation allows them to bear these risks. To meet this requirement, we ask investors to complete an assessment that checks whether our products fit their expectations and goals, and are appropriate for their knowledge and experience.

The outcome of this assessment determines which products and services will be available to the investor. Investing on Mintos isn’t risk-free, so our offering, for example, wouldn’t be considered suitable for investors who wish to only preserve capital.

Transparent information for investors

Investors are provided with in-depth information that aims to help them make well-informed investment decisions.

Audited company: Mintos publishes annual reports on its website, available to everyone. The reports are audited by KPMG Baltics and include an update from Mintos’ management as well as detailed financial data about the company. View annual reports

General legal information: Important documents about investing on Mintos are readily available in a centralized place on the Mintos website. View legal documents

Information about asset-backed securities: Some investments on Mintos are offered as asset-backed securities. Information about those investments is presented in a consumer-friendly format designed to help investors understand the behavior of investment products and compare them with other products.

Mintos base prospectuses provide details about the risk factors, general information about the underlying assets, the originators, Mintos, general transactional information, and other information. These prospectuses have been approved by the competent regulator, Latvijas Banka. View prospectuses
Final Terms documents include additional details that are not included in the base prospectus but are required by regulation, such as details about the underlying assets (for example, term and currency). They also include the International Securities Identification Number (ISIN). ISIN codes uniquely identify securities, which helps create clarity and accuracy when trading, clearing, and settling investments in securities.
Key information documents (KIDs) provide concise information about the main features of an investment product in a consumer-friendly format. This includes  the risk and reward profile and the costs associated with the product. View key information documents

Regulation applicable to Mintos

Investment firms in the EU must comply with several laws and regulations aimed at protecting investors and the stability of the financial system, such as MiFID. A combination of sound internal control mechanisms, internal and external audits, and regulatory oversight ensures that Mintos strictly follows all applicable requirements.


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Prospectus regulation

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Investment Firms directive and regulation

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